In this credit crisis of 2009, the Mushroom Works celebrates the frolicsome side of life during a difficult time by hosting an exhibition exploring the frivolousness of food. We'd love you to join us in raising a tea-cup (filled with fizz) to the mighty cup-cake and all its sugary goodness!
Special events include a Tea dance (18th April) and sugar craft workshops- Have your cake and eat it! During the Late Shows (Friday 15th and Saturday 16th May, 5-11 pm) Catherine Hodgson will be hosting sugar craft workshops for all ages. Come along and craft your very own culinary masterpiece and then watch it disappear! Exhibition sponsor, Lottie McPhee, will also be selling her amazing cupcakes during the Late Shows.
Just don't eat the gingerbread men. Don't tell anyone but they're made of fabric.
Sustainable Environments
Preview Evening Friday 5th June (6pm - 8pm)
A show which looks at how designers, artists and architects are responding to our current environmental conditions.
A call for work will go out late March via several regional channels. If you would like to take part in Sustainable Environments please speak to Lara.